Motor Paralysis:
1) Cortical paralysis: These lesions are rare as the larynx has bilateral motor innervation. May be seen in case of :
2) Corticobulbar paralysis: These are extremely rare due to paralysis of the corticobulbar tracts.
3) Bulbar paralysis: This is a flaccid type of paralysis due to destruction of all or part of nucleus ambiguous in the medulla.
4) Peripheral causes: They are responsible for 90 percent of the vocal cord paralysis. The lesion involves the fibres of the laryngeal nerves from the surface of the medulla upto the larynx. Usually combines with multiple cranial nerves.
Peripheral paralysis of the vocal cords is divided into two groups:
Peripheral causes of vocal cord palsy:
- Thyroidectomy
- Tracheostomy
- Radical neck dissection
- Pneumonectomy